Setup SonarQube for Android
Sonarqube is static code analyzer tool on server side. It is very useful to write clean and quality code.
This tutorial is going to setup SonarQube on local and config scanner in Android project.
- Go to and download SonarQube and install it to your computer.
- Start server by running script in sonarqube-7.6\bin{YOUR_OS}\StartSonar.bat
- Open http://localhost:9000 to see if server is up
Setup SonarQube
- Login by
SonarQube already provided build-in Quality Gates called “Sonar way”.
You can install more plug-in in Administration page.
Config project scanner
- Open build.gradle(app) and add: ``` apply plugin: “org.sonarqube”
… sonarqube { properties { property “sonar.projectName”, “{PROJECT_NAME}” property “sonar.projectKey”, “{PACKAGE_NAME}” property “”, “http://localhost:9000” property “sonar.login”, “{LOGIN_NAME}” property “sonar.password”, “{LOGIN_PASSWORD}” property “sonar.language”, “java” property “sonar.sources”, “src/main/java” } }
- Open build.gradle(project) and add:
dependencies { … classpath “org.sonarsource.scanner.gradle:sonarqube-gradle-plugin:2.6.1” } ```
Run scan task
- Open terminal and run
gradlew sonarqube
to start scanning. - Project will be created automatically on SonarQube.
- Open http://localhost:9000 to see the report